Thursday, March 21, 2013

Slow Cooker Herb & Lemon Chicken

Last night while laying in bed I decided we needed something new and different for dinner tonight. I am just tired of the same old thing night after night after night. Plus, quite honestly, I'm tired of all 3 of my kiddos hanging around my feet whining and complaining that they are hungry when I brave my way into the kitchen at around 4:30 in the afternoon to work on dinner. Only then to hear them all complain about how they are not eating it because it's not "Hot Dogs and Mac n' Cheese" or "Pancakes and Bacon." It is time for a new game plan. Time to bust out the Slow Cooker. While browsing internet recipe sites last night I ran across an old favorite of mine, Lemon Chicken. that sounds tasty. My parents used to make Baked Lemon Chicken when I was growing up as a child and it was one of my favorites. So, why not? Maybe the kids will like it. Let's give it a try! So I've compiled several Lemon Chicken recipes into one...and I've tossed it all into the slow cooker because, let's face it: the kids are in a much better mood at 10 o'clock in the morning, rather than at 5 in the evening. So let's start off this day on the right foot! 

What You Need:
4-6 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Halves 
1 1/2 tsp dried Oregano
1 tsp dried Rosemary
6 Garlic Cloves, minced
1 Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1-2 cups Chicken Broth
Juice from 2 Lemons
Salt & Pepper

Directions: Combine oregano and rosemary is a sandwich bag and use a meat hammer to slightly crumble and break down herbs. Completely thaw and pat dry chicken breasts with paper towels. Sprinkle both sides of chicken with salt & pepper, and oregano and rosemary mixture. 

In a large skillet heat butter and oil over medium heat. Add garlic to skillet and stir once to coat. Immediately add chicken breasts to skillet and brown both sides. Add chicken broth to pan and use a spoon to help release all of the brown bits that may have stuck to the bottom of the pan. 

Transfer entire contents of skillet to slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours. You're house will smell soo good all-day-long! But, fight the temptation to open the lid and peek. Opening the lid will let the warm steam out and then you'll have to add about 20 minutes on to the cooking time for each time it is opened! I can smell mine cooking right now...and boy is my tummy rumbling!  After 4-6 hours (of torture) pour lemon juice over chicken and continue to cook on low for the last remaining hour. Be careful not to overcook the chicken or it will turn dry and flavorless. 

Remove chicken from slow cooker and skim fat from liquid. Serve juice over chicken. Serve with fresh steamed broccoli drizzled with fresh lemon juice, a fresh oven roasted vegetable medley, garlic & herb oven roasted potatoes, brown rice, and/or a tangy mixed green salad. Enjoy!


Here's a look at what we served with our Herb & Lemon Chicken!

Baby Portabella Mushrooms, Red Bell Pepper & Yellow Bell Pepper tossed with one minced bulb of garlic, oregano, rosemary and olive oil. Baked in a 400 degree oven for an hour. 

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